Story Contracting are delighted to announce that its Construction division has been appointed to deliver the £2m Gooseholme Footbridge replacement project in Kendal on behalf of Cumbria County Council.
The project will deliver a new 3.5m-wide single-span bridge which will be fully accessible to all bridge users and wider than the original footbridge to provide shared access for pedestrians, cyclists and wheelchair users.
Emma Porter, Construction Managing Director at Story Contracting said: “We are delighted to be delivering this significant infrastructure project in Kendal. We have a long standing relationship with Cumbria County Council and together with our valued local supply chain, we look forward to successfully delivering another key project for the county.”
The previous footbridge was one of many in Cumbria which was damaged during Storm Desmond in 2015, with Story Contracting carrying out demolition works to the storm-damaged structure in 2019. The new bridge has been designed to improve the flood resilience of the structure by taking away the old piers and raising the deck above the river flood level as part of the Environment Agency’s ongoing Flood Risk Management Scheme for Kendal.