Low Gill Embankment
Works were undertaken to regrade the embankment on the West Coast Mainline (CGJ7). The project involved the filling of 2 large gullies to enable the regrade and included importing circa 20,000 tonnes of engineering fill.
Network Rail
4 Months
Kendal, Cumbria
To bring the earthwork from a poor to serviceable condition, the scope of works comprised of:
- Installation of a haul road circa 1m long
- De-vegetation of the embankment
- Installation of toe berms within 2 No. gullies to enable the re-grade using 1A granular fill
- Re-grade of the existing railway embankment using 6B rock fill
- Installation of a safe cess walking route and realignment of the existing trough route
- Facing of the toe berms with site won material
- Redirecting drainage channels to the existing outfall
The first stage of the scheme was to install the haul road to access the site; this involved the installation of circa 900 track way panels due to the rural location of the site. At the site there were two large gullies present, hence to carry out the re-grade these required in filled/profiled with a toe berm to create a haul road from where the embankment re-grade could be carried out from and enable the shallower slope angle.
Once the toe berms were installed, the embankment within the railway boundary could be re-graded with 6B rock fill and the trough route aligned. Part of the design was to use the excavated material from benching to face the toe berms, this meant there was no requirement to take spoil off site. Part of the works were also to divert the existing drainage down the berms and formalise this into a new culvert to the outfall into the River Lune.
The project was able to celebrate success and demonstrate best practice within the following areas:
- No spoil was removed from site due to design process efficiencies
- The project was delivered under budget by designing out the need to extend two of the culverts and provide additional support to a third
- Installing good quality haul roads and installing the toe berms in dry weather helped to prevent delays in the programme
20,000 tonnes
engineering fill imported
900 track way
panels used
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To find out more about how we can help you deliver your project contact Paul Marrs on on 01228 590444.