
1 day


£225 plus VAT

Course Summary

The course is designed to train any persons who are responsible for undertaking the roles within Control of Any Line Open working within their duties on NWR infrastructures.

It is created to develop a persons knowledge, skills and understanding in ALO Planning and Coordination and therefore depending upon their organisations requirements, the successful delegates will be able to plan, coordinate or undertake both roles.



Awarded to Sentinel – valid for 4 years

Pre-Requisite Requirements

  1. Must be a minimum age of 18
  2. Must hold a valid Sentinel Track safety Card endorsed with PTS
  3. Must meet the medial requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/00124 Medical Fitness Level 2
  4. Must meet the British standard of literacy and numeracy
  5. Must meet the requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L1/OHC/051 (Drugs and Aocohol)
Safe contractor approved

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